Vital Clauses In The Furniture Removal Contract

Furniture removal companies help you relocate your home or office to new locations. An oversight residential clients and corporates make is failing to read the removal contract. They often rely on the information provided in the company's brochure, which could be shallow sometimes. As such, they suffer disappointment when the company includes an extra charge since they disregarded the terms of the agreement. However, this should not happen if you read the furniture removal contract. The excerpt below discusses some essential clauses to look for when assessing the removal contract. 

Your Obligations 

Most clients presume the removal company handles all the work after signing the moving contract. However, the company might need some input from the client to ensure a smooth move. For instance, the removal company could require you to arrange a convenient parking space to ensure the moving crew can access the moving truck easily. Moreover, the company could ask you to disclose what you intend to move to ensure the moving crew brings appropriate equipment. In some cases, the company could ask you to take some pictures of your home. However, if this is not possible, the removalist visits your home for an inspection. Finally, the removalist could ask you to avail yourself on the moving day. Remember, the property manager could restrict access to the moving crew. Besides, you might have special instructions for the moving crew. 

The Items To Be Moved

The removalist can move most household and office items. However, they could ask you to arrange special transport for some items. For instance, suppose you have a multi-million dollar painting in your home; it is only reasonable to hire a security company to move the painting. Removalists are not licenced to move guns and ammunition. Therefore, you might need to organise separate transport to move this cache. Finally, the professional could ask you to move some of your pets. For instance, moving your pack of feral canines inside the removal truck might not be a good idea. 

Pricing Arrangements

Ideally, the removalist should break down the total price to ensure you understand what it covers. One of your concerns would be whether removals insurance is covered in the final quote. If it is, ensure it covers all items you intend to move. You usually pay a deposit as you await the final quote. Check the removals contract to know when to pay the remaining amount. Besides, assess the factors that could cause a price increment. 

Avoid removals confusion by reading the removals contract and seeking clarifications from your removalist. Some clauses to look out for include your obligations, the items to be moved and pricing arrangements.  

For more information, contact a local furniture removalist
